Article I: Statement of Purpose

To build community, and improve the quality of life and safety of the Fair Haven Community through the integration of neighborhood groups, businesses, and institutions working collaboratively with the Department of Police Services. The activity of the Fair Haven Community Management Team (FHCMT) may include, but is not limited to the development, implementation, and management of sustainable community development, economic opportunity, and community-based partnerships through strategic neighborhood planning in Fair Haven.

Article II: Membership

A. Membership is open to:

1. Any individual person of age 16 or over whose primary residence is in Fair Haven.

2. The owner or an authorized representative of a business or institution with a physical address in Fair Haven. For purposes of this definition, a P.O. Box does not serve as an address. Each business and institution is limited to one office voting member per meeting.

B. Each Fair Haven Community Management Team member, as defined by Section II-A. who has attended 5 of the previous 12 meetings is considered a voting member. Attendance at the meeting at which voting is taking place (i.e., October) is not counted in terms of voting eligibility. The attendance of a representative of a business or institution shall be defined as attendance by that organization when the individual signs in stating that she/he is representing the said organization. It is the responsibility of a business or institutional voting member whose representative also qualifies as a resident voting member, to send a separate voting representative if they so desire (to satisfy membership/voting requirements). A person may officially represent only one business or institution at any one meeting. Voting is based on one-member-one-vote. If a voting member is unable to attend, they may appoint someone to serve as their proxy for the duration of a meeting. The voting member must provide written correspondence (ex. signed letter, email to chair).  Therefore, each person who attends a meeting as a voting member shall have no more than one vote whether she/he attends a meeting as an individual or as a representative of a business or institution. A quorum constitutes 50% plus 1 of the voting members. For definition purposes, a voting member in good standing is a person who attends and remains throughout the full course of the meeting. In an effort to increase attendance and participation, remote participation is permitted once per member per year.

C. The Fair Haven Community Management Team will consistently strive to reach all stakeholders, include our more marginalized residents in our work, and ensure the needs’ of all residents are represented.

Article III: Officers

A. The Fair Haven Community Management Team will elect annually by paper ballot from among its members, two (2) Chairs, a Vice-Chair, a Treasurer, a Recording Secretary and a Corresponding Secretary which should reflect the diversity of the neighborhood.

B. The Chairs and two officers will preside at all meetings. The Chairs will nominate the chairs of all subcommittees. Approval of the subcommittees or appointment of sub-committee chairs should be approved by a simple majority of the officers and subsequently by the management team.

C. The Vice-Chair will assume the position of a Chair at meetings in a Chair’s absence. The Vice- Chair will perform such other duties as may be assigned to him/her by the Chairs.

D. The Treasurer will be responsible for the accounting and handling of the funds and will make monthly, as well as an annual financial report. Any bank accounts will require two of the three officers authorized signatures at all times.

E. The Recording Secretary will be responsible for the contents of minutes of the meetings and their distribution to members and will preside at all meetings.

F. The Corresponding Secretary will be responsible for all incoming and outgoing correspondence, and will assume the position of Recording Secretary in the case of his/her absence.

G. No decision-making employee of the City of New Haven (pursuant to the City’s Code of Ethics) or any elected official will be eligible to hold elected office of the Fair Haven Management Team.

Article IV: Requirements for Legal Meetings

A. Robert’s Rules of Order will govern conduct of meetings.

B. The Fair Haven Community Management Team will meet as designated, however, that meetings shall be scheduled no less than eleven (11) times per calendar year plus the annual picnic. Meetings will normally occur on the first Thursday of the month at 6:00 p.m. Meeting locations in Fair Haven for the year will be announced annually in January and posted on the FHCMT website., unless otherwise notified.

C. The first Thursday of November each year shall be designated as the annual meeting unless otherwise noted. Newly elected representatives will take their positions at the December meeting.

D. The Chairs or any executive officer may call special meetings provided that a majority of the officers agrees to the need for the special meeting. A simple majority of the membership or attendees, who have expressed an interest in Fair Haven, may submit a request for a special meeting. This request must be made in writing to the Recording Secretary and approved by a majority of the officers. The voting membership may call for a meeting or portion of a meeting to be held in executive session.

E. The nomination process for officers will be announced at the August, October, and November meetings. People will have the right to nominate anyone who would like to serve the community, i.e., exclusively voting members as defined in Section II-B.

Article V: Removal of Officers

A. Elected officers may be removed for “cause” – an act that may harm the good name of the organization or its membership – or for missing three consecutive meetings by an affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of voting members present at a regular or special meeting. In the event of a proposed removal of an officer, the petition to remove and the reasons for removal shall then be presented to all the members present. An opportunity shall be given to those members present, including the affected member, to explain and contest the reasons given to justify the removal. If voting members vote for removal from office, the Corresponding Secretary will notify him/her of the action in writing. An officer being considered for dismissal for reason of missing three consecutive meetings has the right to contest the decision before voting occurs on the grounds that he/she has a justifiable reason.

Article VI: Subcommittees

A. There will be a standing executive committee consisting of the Chairs, the Vice-Chair, and the Treasurer, the Recording Secretary, and the Corresponding Secretary.

B. Unless otherwise specifically authorized, the power of subcommittees shall be advisory and limited to making recommendations to the full membership.

C. Subcommittees will be convened as needed. Specific policies and procedures will be developed by each subcommittee.

Article VII: Amendments

A. These bylaws have been voted on and approved by the officers of the Fair Haven Community Management Team membership on the 6th day of April, 2019.

These bylaws may be amended or replaced by a majority vote at the stated meeting of the Management Team provided written notice of the proposed amendment will have been given each member at least thirty (30) days prior to such meeting.

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